Career & Practice

Supporting and informing on career and practice including career role models, practice advances and resources

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Can an introvert survive in the world of nursing academia?

Q&A: Wound Clinical Nurse Consultant Hayley Ryan on tackling a ‘hidden epidemic’

This year’s Wound Awareness Week (4-10 September) is ‘Let’s get wound care RIGHT! The RIGHT diagnosis and the RIGHT treatment at the RIGHT time’. It points to the fact that so many wounds can be

Leadership drives person-centredness in residential aged care

Person-centredness, driven by leadership, expressed through meaningful multifaceted relationships, and lived authentically throughout the residential aged care facility (RACF), has real potential to contribute to positive change. The Charles Sturt University (CSU) research explored the

Virtual reality giving nurses experience in de-escalating aggression

A new approach giving nurses and other healthcare providers experience in dealing with aggressive members of the public, without putting them in harm’s way, has been recognised for its outstanding innovation. IVADE is an immersive

With Teeth: Why Medicare must include dental care

The Australian healthcare system, under Medicare, provides comprehensive medical coverage for most basic health services.1 However, one crucial aspect that remains noticeably absent is the inclusion of dental care within the national healthcare framework. Under

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