Help shape policy and workforce planning in Primary Health Care

During the check-up, the smiling mid adult female nurse and the new mother talk about the newborn baby.

The Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association is inviting nurses and midwives working in non-hospital settings to participate in its annual national survey of the Australian Primary Health Care (PHC) nursing and midwifery workforce.

The Association says the aim of the survey is to better understand PHC nurses and midwives and their work, as a basis for informing policy, advocacy and practice. The information provided by survey respondents will help build a strong picture of the nursing workforce’s experience and capacity that is otherwise not readily available.

As the most comprehensive survey of primary health care (PHC) nurses in Australia.

The APNA Workforce Survey data is used by the AIHW, PHNs, Departments of Health and peak bodies to inform workforce planning. It was also used to support discussions for the ‘Strengthening Medicare Taskforce’ and continues to be used in PHC reform reviews and consultations.

To participate in the survey visit

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