Explainer: Wage increases for aged care nurses to take effect in March

On 20 December 2024 the Fair Work Commission (FWC) published its final determination in the work value case for nurses working in residential and home care aged care. Work value background This is great news for all ENs and RNs working in aged care, as the Determination marks the final outcome of the aged care […]
Labor’s IR reforms boost wages, review finds

An independent review of the Albanese Government’s landmark Secure Jobs Better Pay reforms has found the new laws have successfully increased wages. The draft review, conducted by Emeritus Professor Mark Bray and Professor Alison Preston, found early evidence that the hard-won reforms are achieving the federal government’s aim of lifting wages, improving job security and […]
Funding extended to support more nursing students with clinical placements in aged care

The federal government is investing an extra $18.4 million to support more nursing students to experience high-quality clinical placements in aged care. The renewed funding for the successful Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placements Program will enable up to 8,000 more nursing students to develop practical skills in the care of older people under the guidance […]
Costs of falls in residential care uncovered

Fall-related injuries in aged care account for one-fifth of the cost of a resident’s care, according to new research. The University of Queensland study found that fall-related injuries in residential aged care could be costing the health system $325 million annually. The study found fall injuries accounted for 20% of annual expenditure on an aged […]
Regulator cracks down on aged care providers failing to meet care minutes

Regulatory action is being taken against residential aged care providers that have persistently failed to meet their mandatory care minute targets.
Historic pay rise for aged care workers comes into effect

The first historic pay rise for aged care workers came into effect on 1 January after the Fair Work Commission approved a pay rise of between 2.3 and 13.5% in 2025. Some 340,000 aged care workers in residential and home care will receive an increase in their award wages. For some workers this is the […]
Extra $440 million to support in-home aged care

The federal government has committed an extra $440 million to support more older Australians to stay at home, including expanding culturally appropriate aged-care services for First Nations people. The three-year investment, announced yesterday, adds to the Albanese Government’s 4.3 billion Support at Home package unveiled on 12 September. According to the government, demand for entry […]
Changes for residential aged care PCWs in 2025: Find out your pay and classification

If you are a PCW working in residential aged care, you can expect some changes to your pay and classification at the start of 2025. Background PCWs, now referred to as an ‘Aged care employee- direct care’, (direct care worker) under the Aged Care Award will receive an increase to minimum award rates effective from […]
Shaping the future of aged care: Nursing students gain new perspective through clinical placements program

Nursing student Marcus Goh says his understanding and appreciation of the residential aged care sector improved significantly as part of the federal government-funded Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placements Program. Launched mid-2023, the national program has provided thousands of Bachelor of Nursing students with high-quality placements in aged care by giving them the opportunity to work […]
Key changes for AINs in residential aged care: What pay to expect from January 2025

If you are an AIN working in residential aged care, you can expect some changes to your pay and classification at the start of 2025. AINs are currently classified under the Nurses Award 2020. The award sets minimum wages and conditions for AINs, ENs, RNs and Nurse Practitioners. It applies to each of these classifications, […]