Career & Practice

Supporting and informing on career and practice including career role models, practice advances and resources

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Can an introvert survive in the world of nursing academia?

Leadership and Management: Not one and the same

Leadership can often be mistaken with management and the two do overlap. But while leadership and management in nursing and midwifery share some similarities, they are two distinct roles. “The biggest difference is that while

Supporting nurses to work to their scope of practice

In October 2023, the federal government launched Unleashing the Potential of our Health Workforce – scope of practice review. The independent review will examine the barriers and incentives faced by health practitioners working to their

Healthcare sustainability Champion

Registered Nurse Kaitlyn Cooke, realised the environmental toll of disposable PPE after using 50 sets during a single shift caring for a COVID-infected baby. “I thought, this is actually really bad for the world. There’s

Scientists develop game-changer in treating chronic wounds

A team of international scientists has developed a more effective treatment for chronic wounds that doesn’t involve antibiotics or silver-based dressings, but instead, an ionized gas called plasma. The treatment involves boosting the plasma activation

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