It’s time to care about aged care

I sensed there was something wrong as soon as I entered the lounge area at the start of my morning shift. It took me a moment to figure it out – something was missing. After a few moments, I realised it wasn’t something, it was someone. She was always there, waiting patiently in the armchair, […]
Landmark case to lift pay for aged care workers by 25% begins

Landmark case to lift pay for aged care workers by 25% begins
What you need to know about the looming case to raise aged care workers’ pay by 25% in the Fair Work Commission

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) and the Health Services Union (HSU) have made landmark applications with the Fair Work Commission for a 25% increase to award wages for aged care workers. The fast-approaching hearing for the aged care Work Value case will begin on 26 April and run until 11 May. What pay […]
The grim reality of what happens in a nursing home that doesn’t have registered nurses 24/7

I’m a nurse practitioner working in specialist palliative aged care. Let me share with you just a little bit about what happens in a residential aged care facility/‘nursing home’ that doesn’t have registered nurses 24/7, 365 days of the year. A 99-year-old who has clearly stated his wishes in an advance care plan NOT to […]
‘You might have five or six buzzers going at a time’: Aged care AIN calls out government for abandoning sector

A year on from the Aged Care Royal Commission’s damning final report, the Morrison Government has failed to take action to fix the embattled sector, says aged care assistant in nursing (AIN) Susan Walton. A NSWNMA member, Susan has worked in the same residential aged care facility for the past 18 years. In 2019, she […]
What nurses need to know about using My Health Record in aged care

In 2021, The Australian Digital Health Agency, in collaboration with the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF), established an Aged Care Project to drive the adoption and use of My Health Record across residential aged care facilities. The project is aiming to increase awareness about My Health Record and boost knowledge about how the online […]
Aged care Work Value case – The aged care sector stakeholder consensus statement

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety found that wages and conditions in the aged care sector need to improve to ensure attraction and retention of a suitably skilled and qualified workforce. In addition to recommending that unions bring work value applications in the Fair Work Commission, the Royal Commission also recommended the […]
Budget 2022: No real reform for aged care says ANMF

The 2022 federal budget shows that Prime Minister Scott Morrison has failed to do his job to deliver urgently needed reforms in health and aged care, according to the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF). Other than modest funding for some preventative health initiatives and increased paid parental leave (PPL) provisions, the union says last […]
New report reinforces need for transparency in aged care funding

On the eve of the Federal Budget, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) is urgently calling on the Morrison Government to provide accountability and transparency for the billions in additional public funding poured into the troubled aged care sector. The call comes after a new report released today revealed the financial and tax practices […]
Survey reveals 97% of aged care workers yet to receive $800 bonus payment

A survey of more than 1,000 United Workers Union (UWU) aged care members has found that 97% of staff are yet to receive the Morrison Government’s promised bonus payment of up to $800. The Government announced the program at the start of February, outlining how aged care workers including nurses, personal care workers, cleaners and […]