
The latest research and innovation in nursing, midwifery and healthcare from across the nation and worldwide

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Reducing emergency transfers from nursing homes

The OWL Project: Building nurses and midwives leadership skills, research, and evidence-based practice capabilities

Translation of evidence to practice is a challenge for all clinical practitioners, and nurses and midwives are no exception.1 This challenge results in nurses and midwives finding themselves without the essential knowledge required to comprehend,

Exercise caution when taking nutritional advice from social media influencers, study finds

Researchers say Australians should think twice about taking dietary and nutritional advice from social media after a national audit of influencer posts revealed nearly half contained inaccurate information. Deakin University’s Institute for Physical Activity and

Scientists develop game-changer in treating chronic wounds

A team of international scientists has developed a more effective treatment for chronic wounds that doesn’t involve antibiotics or silver-based dressings, but instead, an ionized gas called plasma. The treatment involves boosting the plasma activation

Language barriers contribute to higher aggression in immigrants with dementia

Immigrants living with dementia are more likely to present with agitation and aggression compared with their non-immigrant counterparts, new research shows. Behaviours and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD), such as agitation and aggression, are common.

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