
The latest research and innovation in nursing, midwifery and healthcare from across the nation and worldwide

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Reducing emergency transfers from nursing homes

Research explores RNs’ and NPs’ willingness to participate in Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD)

Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) is now a legal end-of-life option in most parts of Australia. The role of registered nurses and nurse practitioners in this practice varies between states and territories and, as VAD is

Australian-first research centre for cancer survivors aims to revolutionise care

A new research centre focused on improving the care and wellbeing of cancer survivors through evidence-based interventions will be established as part of a 10-year partnership between UNSW Sydney and Cancer Council NSW (CCNSW). The

‘Delivered by women, led by men’: Female nurses face major barriers to advance into leadership roles

Female nurses aren’t getting the same opportunities to advance into leadership roles as men, a Monash University study has found. Comprehensively reviewing decades of data, researchers identified the collective sociocultural, professional, organisational, and individual barriers

Latest AJAN published

The Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol 41 No 1 (2024): December 2023–February 2024 has just been published. The journal contains peer reviewed articles relevant to nurses and midwives. In this issue read about Early

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