Career & Practice

Supporting and informing on career and practice including career role models, practice advances and resources

Featured Story

Can an introvert survive in the world of nursing academia?

Further evidence on benefits of delayed cord clamping

New research lends further weight to the benefits of delayed cord clamping, finding waiting for at least two minutes to clamp the umbilical cord of premature babies at birth could decrease a child’s risk of

Western Health Breast Care Nurse Scholarship program helps nurses gain the skills and knowledge needed to be specialist breast care nurses

Breast care nurses are registered nurses who have specialist skills and knowledge about breast care nursing. Western Health, a large public health service in metropolitan Melbourne, provides care for an increasing number of breast cancer

An Australian Cancer Nursing and Navigation Program set to transform services

A first-of-its-kind Australian Cancer Nursing and Navigation Program is set to receive $166 million of Government funding. The program will improve equitable access to high-quality, multidisciplinary and integrated cancer services for all people with cancer,

Nurse Practitioner opens transgender and gender diverse clinic to provide ‘inclusive healthcare’

In February, South Australian nurse practitioner and academic Toni Slotnes-O’Brien discovered that a person close to her was transgender and, sadly, the challenges they faced accessing basic healthcare. “They went away from GP consults feeling

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