Career & Practice

Supporting and informing on career and practice including career role models, practice advances and resources

Featured Story

Can an introvert survive in the world of nursing academia?

Psychosocial hazards in the spotlight

Work health and safety (WHS) laws are largely harmonised across Australia through a set of uniform laws (the model WHS laws). All states and territories other than Victoria have implemented the model WHS laws. Victoria

‘Look, feel, learn’: Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2023

Kerry Patford, Chief Nurse for the McGrath Foundation, has worked in breast care nursing for more than two decades. For as long as she can remember, breast cancer was “always part of the conversation” due

Clinical trial set to change kidney transplant practice

A simple change in practice for deceased donor kidney transplants could reduce the need for dialysis in transplant recipients by 25%. A major clinical trial has found the change in intravenous fluid therapy with balanced

Pilot program helps midwives return to clinical practice

A new pilot re-entry program is helping qualified midwives in South Australia who have not worked clinically for a while refresh their skills and knowledge so they can re-join the workforce The RESET-M program, established

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