
Wellbeing essentials – Encouraging nurses, midwives and carers to self-care while providing for the health and wellness to their patients

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Physical activity could help combat shift worker fatigue, finds research

Book Review: ‘Zoe and Zak’s Pain Hacks’ 

Chronic pain in children – infants to pre-school age, school age, and adolescents – is a significant public health problem, affecting one in five across the globe. The prevalence of chronic paediatric pain in Australian

Morning coffee better than all-day drinking  

Morning-only coffee drinkers can take heart. Research shows consumption first thing is better for your health and mortality than all-day drinking. People who drink coffee in the morning have a lower risk of dying from

Hot tips to stay safe in summer sun: Queensland pathologist

While social media platforms share a dangerous trend of people deliberately burning their skin into tan lines, a Queensland pathologist and researcher is spreading the message of sun safety this summer. Australian deaths from non-melanoma

‘Pain grows roots’: Women’s pain is not niche – it affects half the population 

Every woman has a story. From migraines to pelvic pain, aching bones and muscles to mental and hormonal health, women are living with pain that could be treatable. But they are dismissed, their pain diminished,

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