The community remote area nurse

“We sometimes laugh that we are coiled springs – waiting to respond,” says Kelly Lynch of her role as a community remote area nurse. Kelly has been in the Cape, far north QLD for seven years. Originally from New Zealand, having raised five children, a marriage break up prompted a life change. “Half of my […]
SA nurse-led innovation in hepatitis care

A South Australian nurse-led community service has improved access to care for people with hepatitis with those treated outside of hospital increased from 10% to 75% in two years. The Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) Viral Hepatitis Nurse-led Community-based Hepatitis C Treatment Service was recently awarded the Out of Hospital Strategies and Care winner […]
Australia must invest more in nurse practitioners

Australia should be investing more in increasing the number of nurse practitioners (NPs) within its health workforce to reap the improved outcomes that the advanced role can bring, a leading academic has argued. James Buchan, Adjunct Professor of the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre at the University of Technology Sydney, made the call while […]
Nurses urged to lead the way on planetary health

A leading primary healthcare academic has challenged nurses to think big and take the lead in making a difference to the health of the planet as the United Nations’ 2030 deadline for achieving its Sustainability Development Goals approaches. Speaking at the opening session of the 15th National Rural Health Conference in Hobart last Sunday, Professor […]
Keeping it real; keeping it black

Remote area nurse Jason Coombes believes nurses and midwives have to get out of the clinic and into the community to improve health outcomes. “The community won’t come to the clinic unless they are sick or in pain. We need walking clubs and cooking classes; we need to play basketball with kids after school.” Jason […]
Up in the air with an RFDS flight nurse

Royal Flying Doctor Service senior flight nurse Jenine Harmer counts joining the vital healthcare operation as the best decision she has ever made. “It gives you more experience. It gives you confidence. More skills. More independence. It’s just fantastic,” she says. “Nursing is great because you can work in so many areas. It’s just another […]
Sizing up a stronger rural health strategy

As part of the May 2018 federal Budget, the then Minister for Rural Health, Deputy Leader of the National Party Senator Bridget McKenzie, issued a ‘Stronger Strategy for Rural Health’. But according to some of Australia’s rural health experts, including former National Rural Health Alliance CEO Gordon Gregory, it’s not very ‘strong’. In fact, it’s […]
A successful transition from the city to a quiet life on the farm

When I embarked on my journey to become a nurse in 2001, I never in a million years thought I would be where I ended up today. I was your typical city chick, always with a made up face, in a beautiful dress and always in high heels. Today, I sit here exhausted after being […]
RFDS targets mental health

The Royal Flying Doctor Service will use $84 million it received in May’s federal Budget to expand its existing services and establish a mental health outreach program for Australians living in rural and remote areas. The iconic service has been around for 90 years and provides extensive primary healthcare and 24-hour emergency response to people […]
NSW Labor guarantees nurses and midwives a ratio system

NSW opposition leader Luke Foley has guaranteed a new nurse to patient ratio system for the state’s hospitals under a NSW Labor government. The promise came after the current Liberal state government refused to entertain nurse to patient ratios at the New South Wales Nurses and Midwives Association’s (NSWNMA ANMF NSW Branch) 73RD Annual Conference […]