
The latest research and innovation in nursing, midwifery and healthcare from across the nation and worldwide

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Reducing emergency transfers from nursing homes

New guidelines for early menopause diagnosis and management   

Research has led to the development of a practical framework to help health professionals worldwide diagnose and manage early menopause.  It comes as a Senate Inquiry currently examines issues around menopause and perimenopause for Australian

Midwives in prime position to help pregnant women give up alcohol, research says

Midwives are well-positioned to help support pregnant women to stop or cut down on alcohol and other drug use and to improve outcomes for themselves and their children, according to researchers. A new South Australian

Study exploring factors that shape RNs’ engagement in mandatory reporting of child maltreatment

Child maltreatment has significant impacts on Australia’s children and children globally. Early identification is key to supporting children and families towards favourable outcomes. Mandatory reporting therefore plays an important role in the identification and response

Australia falling short in supporting military veterans with the basics, study finds

Australia isn’t doing enough to support military veterans once they finish serving, according to a new study. Flinders University and La Trobe University researchers argue that too much emphasis is being placed on psychiatric and

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