Australian women work for free until end of 2024

Today marks the start of the period when Australian women effectively turn up at their jobs and work for ‘free’ for the rest of the year because of the gender pay gap. According to latest figures, on average, Australian women are working for free for 42 days. This equates to the average gap between male […]
Thousands of NSW nurses and midwives strike for better pay

More than 12,000 NSW nurses and midwives took industrial action yesterday in their fight for a 15% pay raise. The 24-hour strike action was bigger than the last one held in late September with rallies held around the state after failed negotiations between the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) and the state Labor Minns […]
NSW nurses and midwives call a second 24-hour strike

NSW public sector nurses and midwives will go on strike for 24 hours next week, after talks between the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) and the state government failed to reach an outcome on wages. The second 24-hour strike will start on the morning shift on Wednesday 13 November, the NSWNMA has confirmed. NSW […]
Australia’s gender pay gap in 2023- its causes and promising reforms

Australia’s national gender pay gap (GPG) across public and private sector employers sits at 22.8%, the same as in 2021. This means women earn, on average, $263.90 less than men each week. The ANMF’s membership is predominantly female, with 89% of the nursing profession identifying as women. Measures to eliminate the gender pay gap are […]