
The latest research and innovation in nursing, midwifery and healthcare from across the nation and worldwide

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What is a ‘model of care’? Enhancing understandings of contemporary nursing practice

Heat linked to increased suicide risk for men    

As temperatures rise this summer, so does the risk of suicide for older Australian men, research shows. Around 0.5%, or approximately 260 suicide deaths in Australia over a two-decade period correlated with unusually higher temperatures

Advancing evidence-based practice in healthcare

Despite widespread recognition of the importance of evidence-based practice (EBP) and its potential to enhance care quality, patient outcomes, and cost-effectiveness, its implementation in routine healthcare settings worldwide remains surprisingly low. JBI,a research institution part

Costs of falls in residential care uncovered  

Fall-related injuries in aged care account for one-fifth of the cost of a resident’s care, according to new research. The University of Queensland study found that fall-related injuries in residential aged care could be costing

New shoulder injury repair technique improves outcomes

A new technique for repairing rotator cuff injuries is delivering better outcomes for people with shoulder pain. University of Adelaide researchers say about 10,000 repairs to the rotator cuff – the group of muscles and

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