
The latest research and innovation in nursing, midwifery and healthcare from across the nation and worldwide

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Reducing emergency transfers from nursing homes

Patient abuse towards medical receptionists rife

Verbal and physical abuse of medical receptionists by patients is rife, and causing lasting harm according to new research from the University of Queensland (UQ). The research found zero tolerance approaches and visible safety measures

‘Waste of nursing skill’: A third of primary health care nurses not working to full scope, survey finds

A third of Australia’s primary health care (PHC) nurses believe their skills are not being fully utilised most of the time, according to a new survey. More than half (53%) of ‘under-utilised’ nurses had requested

Research initiative to ‘supercharge’ innovative models of primary care

Research initiative to ‘supercharge’ innovative models of primary care

Older people ‘dehumanised’ in the media: Need better representation

The voice of politicians and other ‘elites’ are given greater media attention as sources than those of aged care staff, residents and their families skewering reporting of the sector, research shows. If news organisations in

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