
The latest research and innovation in nursing, midwifery and healthcare from across the nation and worldwide

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Reducing emergency transfers from nursing homes

Advocating for sustainable and accessible breastfeeding support for Australian mums and families   

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has urged the Australian Government to ensure ongoing and comprehensive funding for the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) as one of the outcomes of the 2023 Biennial National Conference

RNs invited to take part in research exploring competence-based assessments

Registered nurses are invited to take part in a research project aiming to understand the effectiveness of competence-based assessments for RNs in Australia. Existing literature highlights various frameworks and methods for evaluating nursing competence, emphasising

CLEEN study: Wiping infections away  

Cleaning shared medical equipment at least once a day, even with a disinfectant wipe, can save lives by reducing infections in hospitals, new world-first research shows. The finding is based on results from the CLEEN

Limiting soft drinks and red meat may help women in menopause  

Diet quality may influence menopausal symptoms and overall quality of life, according to a nutrition study of Australian women.   The research of more than 200 women with an average age of 51, found those who

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