
Inspiring and insightful interviews with nurses, midwives and carers

Featured Story

ICN President Dr Pamela Cipriano confident about nurses’ power to change the world

From RN to Nurse Practitioner: Scholarship paves the way for Teagan to improve women’s healthcare 

Despite over 14 years of experience working across a range of healthcare settings, Tasmanian registered nurse and midwife Teagan Atkins often encounters situations where she is unable to work to her full scope of practice.

How fee-free TAFE enabled Leanne to pursue her nursing dream  

Leanne Simpson was empowered to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse thanks to fee-free TAFE.

From graduate nurse to CEO: the drive to make a difference 

Adeney Private Hospital in Kew, Melbourne offering no out-of-pocket costs for eligible patients insured with participating health funds opened its doors this week. At the helm CEO and registered nurse Louise O’Connor, talks to the

Five of My Life series: In conversation with Katy

As part of our summer series, we’re highlighting nurses and midwives who featured in the Five of My Life podcast series in 2024. A collaboration with the ANMF, podcaster Nigel Marsh talks with rural Victorian

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