Government initiatives to strengthen nursing workforce in primary care
Peak nursing bodies have welcomed initiatives to bolster the workforce in primary care, including the national program to increase student nursing placements in primary care. The federal government announced $4.2 million for the National Nurse Clinical Placements Program (NNCPP) in the 2023-24 Budget. Federal Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care Ged Kearney, a RN […]
Moral distress tool for midwifery practice
Moral distress occurs when individuals experience a compromise to their moral beliefs. While validated tools exist to assess moral distress in various health professions, none are specifically tailored for midwifery in the Australian healthcare system. Midwife, clinical educator and researcher Wendy Foster and her colleagues conducted a series of studies, including a pilot study The […]
Research highlights need for preparation resource to ready online nursing students
An online study preparation resource for student nurses to access when they receive their acceptance into a nursing course could lead to more successful progression, a new research paper has found. Undertaken by Angela Sheedy, Senior Research Officer at Charles Darwin University’s Menzies School of Medicine, the study set out to investigate and identify the […]
‘Prac Payment’: Government to pay nursing and midwifery students $319 per week during clinical placements
Student nurses, midwives, teachers, and social workers will be paid $319.50 per week while undertaking their mandatory clinical placements under a new federal government measure to address rising ‘placement poverty’.
Sleep Awareness Week 2024: practical strategies for shift workers
Are you getting enough quality shuteye as a shift worker? What works for you, and what doesn’t? Is it time to try something new? Sleep Awareness Week runs 10-16 March and is a time to reemphasise the importance of sleep on your health and wellbeing. Sleep researcher, Alexandra Shriane, a former paramedic and shift worker, […]
Earn and learn: How Victoria’s RUSON employment model is helping attract more nurses into mental health
When she was an undergraduate nursing student, Monisha Lagreca worked on a mental health ward as part of the ANMF (Vic Branch) pioneered Registered Undergraduate Students of Nursing (RUSON) paid employment model. Under the delegation and supervision of mental health nursing staff at Peninsula Health, she gained invaluable firsthand exposure to the specialty, which quickly […]
Delegation in aged care: Know your responsibilities
Recent reforms in aged care have led to some employers reducing the number of enrolled nurses, leaving a skills gap which has brought to the fore concerns around delegation of work
Queensland Government boosts free TAFE for nursing students
In a bid to increase the pipeline of the next generation of nurses, the Queensland Government has injected extra funding to bolster fee-free TAFE for nursing students. An extra 3,500 free Diploma of Nursing placements will be offered in 2024, available through TAFE Queensland, CQUniversity and Mater Education, with the Government providing an additional $40.6 […]
Understanding enrolled nurse pre-registration nursing students
Now more than ever, we need to change the way we think about career trajectories and progression via higher education to cater for diversity within nursing student populations. As the healthcare sector continues to feel the pressure of workforce shortages, and universities widen participation, energy and focus must be directed at how we are best […]
Nursing students can now access supported clinical placements in aged care
Bachelor of Nursing students can now apply for supported clinical placements in aged care through the federal government’s new Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placements Program. The program involves clinical facilitators providing specialist support to nursing students, who must complete a minimum of 800 hours of clinical placement as part of their courses, while they are […]