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Featured Story

How fee-free TAFE enabled Leanne to pursue her nursing dream  

What is a ‘model of care’? Enhancing understandings of contemporary nursing practice

A re-elected Albanese Government will inject $8.5 billion into Medicare to give all Australians access to bulk-billing.

Labor’s $8.5 billion Medicare boost to deliver 400 more nursing and midwifery scholarships and bulk-billing for all Australians

A re-elected Albanese Government will inject $8.5 billion into Medicare to give all Australians access to bulk-billing.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses experience harmful racism in workplaces

Racism is a persistent and damaging issue that negatively affects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses’ careers, physical and mental health, and overall well-being. Despite being widespread and persistent in healthcare and in nursing, little

Victoria improves nurse and midwife to patient ratios 

Victoria’s landmark nurse and midwife-to-patient ratios are set to be expanded. Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas introduced amendments to the Safe Patient Care (Nurse to Patient and Midwife to Patient Ratios) Act into parliament earlier this

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