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Featured Story

Historic pay rise for aged care workers comes into effect  

Transitioning nursing education into higher education  

The transfer of nursing education to the higher education system was one of the most significant milestones in the history of nursing in Australia. Australian Nursing Federation (ANF), now the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation

Limiting soft drinks and red meat may help women in menopause  

Diet quality may influence menopausal symptoms and overall quality of life, according to a nutrition study of Australian women.   The research of more than 200 women with an average age of 51, found those who

People with iron disorder encouraged to donate blood 

People with haemochromatosis who need to have blood removed in order to reduce their iron levels are being encouraged to donate at Australian Red Cross Lifeblood.  Haemochromatosis, which causes the body to store too much

Introducing a person-centred approach to indwelling urinary catheter care in aged care homes

The care workforce is central to the quality of care in aged care homes in Australia. The knowledge, confidence and skill of the aged care workforce is fundamentally important for the quality of life and

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