Career & Practice

Supporting and informing on career and practice including career role models, practice advances and resources

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Can an introvert survive in the world of nursing academia?

Transitioning nursing education into higher education  

The transfer of nursing education to the higher education system was one of the most significant milestones in the history of nursing in Australia. Australian Nursing Federation (ANF), now the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation

The Power of Persistence: How the ANMF’s advocacy laid the foundation for NPs in Australia  

The nurse practitioner (NP) role originated in the United States in the mid-1960s to address gaps in healthcare. But it took 35 years later, on 12 December 2000, for Jane O’Connell (emergency) and Sue Denison

Calling all primary healthcare nurses and midwives: Complete APNA’s 2024 Workforce Survey today

For over 15 years, the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association’s annual Workforce Survey has provided a comprehensive snapshot of the working conditions and professional concerns faced by primary healthcare nurses and midwives working across

Enhancing clinical placement learning for nursing and midwifery students: A national quality assurance project

The National Placement Evaluation Centre (NPEC) was established in 2018 to provide an Australian national approach to monitoring nursing and midwifery student evaluations of their professional experience placements (PEP). The lack of a national monitoring

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