The need for health workforce surge capacity highlighted in the latest issue of AJAN

The COVID-19 pandemic has placed great strain on the world’s health workforce. For health systems in many countries to respond effectively during this pandemic and in response to any future outbreaks, it is vital health workforce surge capacity is enhanced. However many nations do not have a large enough and currently registered nursing workforce to […]

A union trailblazer: Remembering former ANF NT Branch Secretary Joan Wilkinson

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has paid tribute to former Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) Northern Territory (NT) Branch Secretary Joan Wilkinson who passed away at the end of last month. Joan, who served as Branch Secretary between 1977-1996, worked assiduously to raise the profile of the ANF, to the extent that the Branch […]

How to best support staff through a pandemic as a nurse manager

Whether in acute care, aged care or community health, this year has been challenging and stressful on all staff. As a nurse manager, you want to support nurses, midwives and carers, particularly at this time, but what is the best way to achieve this while also looking after your own mental health? To find out […]