International Women’s Day: ANMF fights to protect aged care workers’ entitlements

International Women’s Day: ANMF fights to protect aged care workers’ entitlements
Interventions needed to help prevent suicide among older Australians

Older men, especially those diagnosed with mental health conditions, living alone and who have been hospitalised for self-injury, should be key targets for suicide prevention efforts, according to a new study. New research from Flinders University and the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) shows 354 older people who were accessing or waiting […]
Aged care workers 15% increase on Award: What does it mean?

The Fair Work Commission announced aged care workers can expect a 15% wage increase on award rates from 30 June 2023. But which aged care workers are covered by the decision and will the full 15% be passed on? The ANMF have recently released member communication about what the 15% means and how it can […]
Low paid aged care workers to get 15% pay rise

Low paid aged care workers to get 15% pay rise
Aged care Enrolled Nurses remain in limbo, union says

Enrolled Nurses working across Southern Cross Care Tasmania’s (SCCT) aged care facilities have been facing redundancy for months after the not-for-profit provider announced plans to axe ENs from its roster and replace them with care workers. While SCCT has now conceded its consultation process was flawed and will delay the transition until late February, ENs […]
‘Do you know we’re all being sacked?’: Enrolled nurses, family, lift lid on Southern Cross Care restructure

In early November, aged care Enrolled Nurse Jane (not her real name) was working a routine shift when her phone pinged. It was her employer, Southern Cross Care Tasmania, informing her that a staff meeting would be taking place the following morning. Exhausted from her shift, Jane decided to skip the meeting. Around lunchtime, she […]
Stop the cuts: Why Enrolled Nurses are an essential part of the aged care sector

Stop the cuts: Why Enrolled Nurses are an essential part of the aged care sector
Albanese Government must stop Enrolled Nurse sackings in aged care

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) is calling on the Albanese Government to urgently act to stop greedy aged care providers from sacking highly-trained Enrolled Nurses (EN) and replacing them with lower-paid personal care workers (PCW) in nursing homes. In Tasmania, Southern Cross Care is making ENs redundant, substituting them with extended care workers. […]
‘Beyond urgent’: HSU pushes on for full 25% pay rise for aged care workers

Three-quarters of aged care workers are considering leaving the sector within the next six months if they do not receive a significant pay increase, according to a new survey. The Health Services Union (HSU) released the data, Aged Care Snapshot: The Brink of Collapse, on the steps of the Fair Work Commission in Sydney this […]
Federal government welcomes 15% pay increase for aged care workers

The federal government has described the Fair Work Commission’s ruling to award aged care workers a 15% pay increase as a “really strong first step” in the push to value the work of staff across the sector. On Friday afternoon, the FWC handed down its much-anticipated decision as part of the landmark case, granting an […]