ANMF applies for 25% wage increase for aged care workers
ANMF applies for 25% wage increase for aged care workers
COVID-19 and the workforce wellbeing of Australia’s nurses, midwives, and care workers
COVID-19 and the workforce wellbeing of Australia’s nurses, midwives, and care workers
Aged Care Transition to Practice program to increase RN’s in aged care
Aged Care Transition to Practice program to increase RN’s in aged care
Federal budget falls short of promised aged care reform
Federal budget falls short of promised aged care reform
Report: At least $10 billion more needed per year to reform aged care
The Morrison Government would need to inject at least an extra $10 billion in funding per year to implement the Aged Care Royal Commission’s recommendations, with the looming 2021-22 Federal Budget presenting the ideal opportunity to start fixing the broken sector, according to a new report from the Australia Institute’s Centre for Future Work. The […]
NSW aged care nurses rally outside PMs office to demand funded mandated staff ratios
NSW aged care nurses rally outside PMs office to demand funded mandated staff ratios
ANMF calls on Australians to support new national aged care campaign: ‘It’s not too much’
ANMF calls on Australians to support new national aged care campaign: ‘It’s not too much’
ANMF reveals impacts of job insecurity in aged care at Senate Inquiry
ANMF reveals impacts of job insecurity in aged care at Senate Inquiry
Federal government is abandoning workplace Covid vaccinations for aged care staff, says ACTU
The federal government is walking away from its previous promise to vaccinate aged care workers at their workplace, with the change in tack set to place greater pressures on many frontline healthcare staff who have kept Australians safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, the ACTU has argued. When announcing the national vaccine rollout in February, the […]
Mandated minimum staffing levels and skills mix key to delivering quality aged care, new paper argues
In a new paper, my colleagues Annie Butler (ANMF Federal Secretary) and Casey Marnie from the Federal Office Research Unit and I argue that mandated minimum staffing levels and skills mix are the foundation for delivering safe, quality care in nursing homes. While other factors such as increased education and training are important, providing quality […]