ANMF applauds 95% of residential aged care workers on reaching COVID-19 vaccination deadline
ANMF applauds 95% of residential aged care workers on reaching COVID-19 vaccination deadline
Skimping on registered nurses 24/7 risks care in nursing homes
Skimping on registered nurses 24/7 risks care in nursing homes
Commission launches new care standards for managing delirium
Commission launches new care standards for managing delirium
Professional boundaries: Respecting the feelings of residents in aged care
Professional boundaries: Respecting the feelings of residents in aged care
What are the most important research questions about medicine use in people living with dementia?
Researchers from the University of South Australia, the University of Sydney, Monash University and the University of New South Wales in partnership with the James Lind Alliance want to hear from nurses (as well as other healthcare professionals and healthcare workers and consumers) about what they think are the most important questions about medicine use […]
Keeping the person’s best interests in mind
A fundamental right of patients in healthcare is the right to consent and to refuse treatment. When the patient lacks legal capacity to make decisions, it is common practice for a legally appointed substitute decision-maker to decide on their behalf. However, determining what is in that person’s best interests can be difficult when family hold […]
Stop blaming aged care workers for government failures in vaccines, demands providers and union movement
Stop blaming aged care workers for government failures in vaccines, demands providers and union movement
Too-great expectations: How Australia’s aged care COVID-19 vaccination rollout fell short
In February, when the Morrison government unveiled Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout plan, aged care workers, along with frontline healthcare workers and quarantine and border workers, were included in the highest priority group, phase 1a, and assured they would get vaccinated at their workplaces within the next six weeks. Instead, two months on, fewer than 10% […]
Government’s response to aged care reform remains disappointingly lacking
The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality & Safety Final Report found that the aged care workforce is understaffed, under qualified and under paid. So what has been the government’s response to the Commission’s recommendations and will it be enough? The Final Report of the Royal Commission into Quality and Safety in Aged Care released […]
COVID-19 vaccine to become mandatory for aged care workers
COVID-19 vaccine to become mandatory for aged care workers