ANMF joins call for evacuation of children from Nauru

Over 85 children and other families from the Nauru and Manus Island detention camps must be urgently evacuated the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has called. Along with the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses, the Australian Medical Association, Medecins Sans Frontiers and other health professionals, the ANMF is demanding the Prime Minister to […]

Best evidence changes lives

The best evidence available should be accessible to all and is key to tackling poor practice that can do more harm than good, according to the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI), based in South Australia. The institute, which has recently been recognised for improving health for disadvantaged communities, is fulfilling a critical role, assisting health professionals […]

Women’s empowerment program to transform lives

The ACT government has launched a women’s empowerment program designed to improve the health, wellbeing and safety of ACT women. The program, delivered by Lifeline, will give 20 women who face disadvantage the opportunity to participate in the empowerment program to upskill, make connections and ultimately increase employment opportunities. The program supports the identified needs […]

World Youth International drives maternal health improvements

Back in 2013, a week before the Odede Community Health Centre launched to deliver vital healthcare to a tiny village community in Kenya, Celia Boyd witnessed a woman give birth on the road virtually on the imminent service’s doorstep because she had been unable to complete the trek to the nearest hospital. The establishment of […]

Facing life head on

In recognition of World Humanitarian Day, we pays tribute to all humanitarian nurses and midwives. The ANMJ has featured many of these extraordinary nurses and midwives, highlighting the exceptional care they have given- including emergency nurse and paramedic Helen Zahos. “I am an ordinary person who has had some extraordinary experiences,” says humanitarian, emergency nurse […]

Why climate change is a major health threat

Health professionals including nurses must view climate change as a major health threat of today in order to improve patient outcomes of tomorrow, according to Dr David Pencheon, Director of the Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) for NHS England and Public Health England. “The main thing is don’t treat climate change as an environmental threat in […]

NSW Labor guarantees nurses and midwives a ratio system

NSW opposition leader Luke Foley has guaranteed a new nurse to patient ratio system for the state’s hospitals under a NSW Labor government. The promise came after the current Liberal state government refused to entertain nurse to patient ratios at the New South Wales Nurses and Midwives Association’s (NSWNMA ANMF NSW Branch) 73RD Annual Conference […]

NSW nurses and midwives demand mandated nurse to patient ratios

The NSW Health Minister was grilled on safe staffing by the state’s nurses and midwives at their union’s annual delegates’ conference last week. It came as the NSW Opposition promised nurses and midwives a new ratios system would be delivered if Labor was elected. NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) members expressed distress to NSW […]

Integrated model of care for responding to elder abuse

Elder abuse is a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within a relationship where there is an implication of trust, which results in harm or distress to an older person. It can include acts of physical, financial, psychological, social and sexual abuse, as well as neglect. Elder abuse is often from […]

Australia’s ‘shame’ over offshore detention

In late 2014, paediatric clinical nurse consultant Alanna Maycock spent five days on Nauru providing healthcare to asylum seekers in detention. She encountered dreadful incidents including the rape of a mother, a guard assaulting a father of a child she was caring for, and a six-year-old girl attempting to hang herself with fence ties. Back […]