Women’s empowerment program to transform lives

Cropped shot of audience members making notes on their notepads at a conference

The ACT government has launched a women’s empowerment program designed to improve the health, wellbeing and safety of ACT women.

The program, delivered by Lifeline, will give 20 women who face disadvantage the opportunity to participate in the empowerment program to upskill, make connections and ultimately increase employment opportunities.

The program supports the identified needs of advancing gender equality in the ACT and improving outcomes for women who experience multiple forms of discrimination.

The program includes four key training courses to support career development including:

  • Domestic violence and awareness response
  • Accidental counsellor
  • Mental health first aid
  • Applied suicide intervention skill training

The program aims to better inform participants to engage with the community in a considered and proactive way that could transform lives.

For more information go to www.women.act.gov.au

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