
The latest research and innovation in nursing, midwifery and healthcare from across the nation and worldwide

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Midwives in prime position to help pregnant women give up alcohol, research says

Research into recently graduated RNs’ nutritional knowledge, attitude, and practice

Nurses are uniquely positioned to deliver nutrition-focussed patient education related to health promotion and disease management yet widespread evidence of sufficient nutrition instruction in the nursing curricula is not available. A research team from Deakin

Gender disparity in loss of exercise habits

Forming a long-term recreational exercise habit as a young person has a beneficial impact on physical and mental health later in life, but some groups, such as females and academic high-achievers, miss out on these

Link between kneecap shape and osteoarthritis

The shape of a person’s kneecap could be an indicator of whether they’re more at risk of developing osteoarthritis, research shows.  Yet the reason is not well understood, according to researchers from the Australian National

Four in 10 aged care residents malnourished

Four in 10 Australian aged care residents are malnourished, a new study has revealed, prompting calls for a national screening program to identify those at highest risk. The first large-scale study examining malnutrition in nursing

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