Justice & Action

Informing on the latest industrial rights and action, nursing and midwifery’s collective force and social justice issues relevant to health

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Gender assumptions and the value of work

Time to apply the Northern Ireland blueprint for peace in Israel-Gaza

Professor Megan-Jane Johnstone AO wrote a powerful article that was published online on 10 November 2023 in the ANMJ: “Bombing hospitals, destroying ambulances and the ethics of (un)just war”.1 Johnstone examined ‘just war theory’ and

Secure jobs and gender equality form the basis for the Modern Award Review 2023-24

In December 2022, the Fair Work Act was amended to add two new objectives that need to be taken into account when deciding if awards meet the standard required of contemporary industrial relations. The new

Roster justice needed so workers can plan their lives

Unions have called for roster justice saying new proposals by employer groups for increased flexibility in awards will adversely impact women workers and carers. The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) used its reply submission

Young female shift workers hold multiple jobs to make ends meet

A total of 7% of the shift workforce held multiple jobs simultaneously in 2023 – a 25-year high with the majority being young females. All major industries have experienced an unprecedented rise in the number

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