
Inspiring and insightful interviews with nurses, midwives and carers

Featured Story

Q&A: Australian College of Nurse Practitioners President Melanie Dunstan

‘We need action’: ICN CEO Howard Catton confident 2023 Congress can help advance profession

‘We need action’: ICN CEO Howard Catton confident 2023 Congress can help advance profession

From Ethicist to Artist: A natural transition

Retired Professor of Nursing and Independent Scholar Dr Megan-Jane Johnstone AO has turned her hand to her first love – art – with the same fervour she applied to a lifetime career in nursing and

Advancing women’s health from the frontline

Long-time Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) member Lorna Scott is advocating for improved women’s healthcare as a representative on the federal government’s National Women’s Health Advisory Council. Ms Scott, a women’s health nurse practitioner

‘We want legitimate power’: CATSINaM’s new CEO, Dr Ali Drummond, drives new era

Dr Ali Drummond, a Meriam, Erubam and Wuthathi man, followed the footsteps of his mother, a Torres Strait Islander health worker, to pursue a career in health and become a nurse. Back in 2005, he

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