Career & Practice

Supporting and informing on career and practice including career role models, practice advances and resources

Featured Story

Can an introvert survive in the world of nursing academia?

Nurse managers and leaders: new governance training available

Two new courses are now available for healthcare providers looking to upskill their nursing and midwifery managers and leaders in governance practices, including regulatory frameworks and risk management. Responding to the growing challenges faced by

Nurses in GP clinics stuck ‘doing paperwork’ instead of treating patients

Four out of five nurses working in GP clinics are being bogged down with a long list of non-clinical, administrative work, rather than being fully utilised.

New eLearning module on high risk medicines

Do you work with high risk medicines? An updated eLearning module on the safe use of high risk medications is now available to health professionals. Anyone can access the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality

Getting to know Lauren- A celebration of nurses with “Five of My Life” Nigel Marsh 

The third podcast in the ANMF’s “Five of My Life challenge” with Nigel Marsh is South Australian nurse is Lauren DeFazio. During the podcast Lauren reflects on a film, book, song, place and belonging that

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