Career & Practice

Supporting and informing on career and practice including career role models, practice advances and resources

Featured Story

Can an introvert survive in the world of nursing academia?

Moral distress tool for midwifery practice

Moral distress occurs when individuals experience a compromise to their moral beliefs. While validated tools exist to assess moral distress in various health professions, none are specifically tailored for midwifery in the Australian healthcare system.

Placing mum in Residential Aged Care – thoughts of a nurse/daughter

This article is offered as a personal reflection on my lived experience of placing my nonagenarian mother into residential aged care Of course, my personal lived experience is also inextricably intertwined with me being a

National midwifery update

“I didn’t know there was a midwife at the ANMF.” At a national conference in 2023, I was excited to run into a midwifery professor I had learned from during my Bachelor of Midwifery. We

Primary Care Nursing and Midwifery Scholarships now open

Interested in advancing your career in primary care? Then check out the Primary Care Nursing and Midwifery Scholarship Program, recently launched to support registered nurses and midwives to complete postgraduate study to work across the

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