Career & Practice

Supporting and informing on career and practice including career role models, practice advances and resources

Featured Story

Can an introvert survive in the world of nursing academia?

New fully-funded Graduate Diploma in Perinatal Mental Health aims to address clinician shortage

Perinatal mental health organisation Gidget Foundation has partnered with Federation University to launch a fully-funded Graduate Diploma in Perinatal Mental Health in a bid to address a nationwide shortage of specialist clinicians working in the

Public health campaign: First Nations mums and bubs 

A new public health campaign to improve pregnancy outcomes for First Nations mothers and their babies across the country has launched, with educational resources now available to midwives and nurses.  The Preterm Birth Prevention ‘See,

Strength-based cultural care improves health outcomes for Aboriginal mothers and babies  

Aboriginal women have been mothering for more than 65,000 years, yet there is still a vast underrepresentation of Aboriginal health clinicians in the perinatal sector. This has run-on effects, with Aboriginal mothers struggling to find

Beyond judgement: A nursing perspective on obesity, medications, and the path to health  

Recently, while waiting at a pharmacy, I witnessed an interaction that has stayed with me. A young man, around 30 years old, stood at the counter, visibly uncomfortable. He was breathless and sweating slightly, despite

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