Fears COVID interruptions could alienate students and grads from the workforce

Fears COVID interruptions could alienate students and grads from the workforce
New ICN president optimistic about collective power of nursing workforce during demanding times

The newly elected President of the International Council of Nurses (ICN), Dr Pamela Cipriano, has arrived in the role at a time when the demands placed on the global workforce have arguably never been higher. Nevertheless, Dr Cipriano, the ICN’s 29th president and the ICN’s First Vice President from 2017-2021, is optimistic about what the […]
Workers rally to mark one year of federal inaction since the Aged Care Royal Commission

Workers rally to mark one year of federal inaction since the Aged Care Royal Commission
Remembering the Bangka Island massacre 80 years on

Remembering the Bangka Island massacre 80 years on
Calls for nutritional regulation in aged care as around 50% or more of residents suffer from malnutrition

Calls for nutritional regulation in aged care as around 50% or more of residents suffer from malnutrition
COVID: ‘Tightening the screws’ on existing workforce pressures

An Australian nurse researcher and co-author of a new study looking at nursing workforce shortages during COVID-19 has said that the pandemic has exposed pre-existing healthcare pressures, exposing shortfalls in the retainment and recruitment of workers. Dr Judith Anderson, Head of Discipline in Health Management and Leadership at Charles Sturt University (CSU), said issues such […]
Nurse Researcher, inducted into Sigma International Hall of Fame, focuses on evidence-based models of care

To an untrained eye, it can seem paperwork and referencing systems that fuel health research are significantly removed from the hustle and bustle of clinical practice. But according to Professor Ann Bonner, a July inductee into the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma) International Nursing Researcher Hall of Fame, her once-a-fortnight routine […]
Optimising palliative care for people in acute care settings through innovative research

Optimising palliative care for people in acute care settings through innovative research
Meet Sye Hodgman, the QNMU’s First Nations Strategy, Policy and Research Officer

For Sye Hodgman, a Trawlwoolway Palawa-Pakana nurse, his direct engagement with the Queensland Nurses and Midwives Union’s (QNMU ANMF QLD Branch) First Nations Branch means advocating for workplaces that allow Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses and midwives to thrive. “My main role is to identify areas, based on conversations I’m having with our […]
Human rights lawyer issues “call to arms” to protect refugee rights at ANMF delegates conference

Human rights lawyer issues “call to arms” to protect refugee rights at ANMF delegates conference