Woman’s Journey

Improving the health of Aboriginal mothers and babies through continuity of midwifery care. Late last year, Sunshine Hospital celebrated the first birthday of the Galinjera Maternity Program, a program committed to providing continuity of midwifery care for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander families. The celebration involved a gathering of women and families who received care […]
Online cultural safety training for nurses and midwives

The Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (CATSINaM) has been handed $350,000 in federal government funding to develop Australia’s first online cultural safety course for nurses and midwives delivering frontline care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Indigenous Health Minister Ken Wyatt made the announcement on Wednesday in Sydney at […]
New function to delete My Health Record at anytime

A function has been activated in the My Health Record system that allows a person to permanently delete their record at any time, including any backups. After 31 January 2019, a My Health Record will be created for everyone who has not opted out of the system. However the new function will allow the user […]