World Mental Health Week: Beyond Blue supports Australians during transition to living with COVID

World Mental Health Week: Beyond Blue supports Australians during transition to living with COVID

During World Mental Health Week, Beyond Blue is promoting ways Australians can support their mental health and wellbeing during the shift towards living with COVID.

As COVID restrictions begin to ease across the country, the mental health and wellbeing support organisation is reassuring people it may take time to regroup and adjust.

Throughout this week, Beyond Blue will be sharing online resources about a range of subjects including managing social anxiety, supporting children, and returning to business during the pandemic.

Resources can be found at the Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service (CMWSS), which is available for free 24/7 right around Australia.

Beyond Blue CEO Georgie Harman said the CMWSS was available to everyone, no matter their circumstances, and that there was no issue too big or too small for counsellors to support people through.

“These changes will affect all of us in different ways – we’re all moving at our own pace and Beyond Blue is here to support everybody through these changes,” Ms Harman said.

Beyond Blue Lead Clinical Adviser Dr Grant Blashki said an individual’s experience of the transition would depend on their circumstances.

“For some people, this next phase is exciting, for others it might be stressful or worrying, for others still it might be a bit of both. There’s no right or wrong way to feel,” Dr Blashki said.

“When planning your return, take it one step at a time, give yourself a chance to adjust and accept that things may feel a little exhausting at first. Let’s try our best to support one another.”

Beyond Blue has published a range of articles on the Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service website to support people to manage their mental health and wellbeing throughout the pandemic:

Beyond Blue Support Service – 1300 22 4636

Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service – 1800 512 348

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