The ANMF leadership is in good hands

James Lloyd, ANMF Federal Vice President

Usually in my articles I write about something I am passionate about, such as critical thinking, vicarious trauma, or burnout amongst people in our professions. But today I want to tell you about the ANMF Federal Executive/Council, how they work in your best interests, and how I sometimes sit in awe of those members around the meeting table. The ANMF is in good hands, and this assurance stems from the collective efforts and empathetic leadership that have become the hallmark of our organisation.

One of the most commendable aspects of the Federal Executive/Council is their deep connection with the realities of the workplace. Unlike many leadership bodies that operate in isolation, the federal senior leadership, state secretaries and presidents are actively engaged with employees at all levels. I’m sure we all have examples in our workplace of managers who have lost touch with the realities of being a bedside nurse or midwife. ANMF leadership does not suffer from this. Over the last four years that I sat in meetings, the one thing that has struck me the most is just how connected the senior leadership is with the bedside nurse and midwife. I’ve seen secretaries experience grief and empathy over a member’s adversity. They understand the challenges and triumphs that define our work.

This connection is not just symbolic; it translates into policies and decisions that are grounded in the actual needs and aspirations of you, the member. They are in touch and have not forgotten their nursing or midwifery roots.

But empathy is more than a buzzword; it is the cornerstone of effective leadership. The ANMF Executive/Council exemplify this through their actions and decisions. Around the meeting table, they listen actively, and engage sincerely with everyone else in the room. This collective empathetic approach at our meetings makes everyone feel valued and heard, leading to a collective bond that is steadfast. They have not forgotten what makes a nurse or midwife: empathy, teamwork, self-sacrifice, and having each other’s backs. Members of the Federal Executive/Council are not motivated by self-interest, they have carried that core feature of nurses and midwives – altruism.

Unionism and the power of the collective are integral to our organisation’s success. The ANMF Executive/Council recognises that true strength lies in unity. By fostering a collaborative environment, they have harnessed the collective power of nurses and midwives to drive innovation and achieve common goals. This collective approach ensures that every voice is heard and that decisions reflect the diverse perspectives within the organisation.

The ANMF is the largest union in Australia, and we are one of the few unions that have consistent membership growth. In part this is due to the collective leadership at state and federal level. This is also due to the basic tenants of nursing and midwifery – we advocate for those who cannot care for themselves or need assistance to overcome challenges. Our primary commitment is to the patient. We give ourselves to the care and assistance of those groups, showing compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and uniqueness of every patient. We are an ideological force that drives change.

Annie, Sally, Lori-Anne and the of the rest of the Federal Executive/Council live and breathe one thing: they are there for you and the people you care for. Your concerns are reflected in our broad agenda and discussion at the federal level.

Their empathy, connection to workplace realities, unwavering support, and commitment to unionism have created a strong foundation for the future. The power of the collective, guided by empathetic leadership, ensures the ANMF is well-equipped to navigate the challenges ahead and to seize new opportunities.

Your union is strong, with leadership that is compassionate, focused on its members and the needs of the profession. Our collective voice drives change in healthcare that ultimately changes the lives of the most important aspect of our professions – the human beings we care for.

Rest assured, our ANMF is in good hands.

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