Tasmanian nurses and midwives secure historic wage increase

ANMF Tas Branch Secretary Emily Shepherd

Tasmanian nurses and midwives working across the public sector have accepted a historic wage increase, the highest secured in more than a decade, after striking a deal with the state government earlier this week.

The wage increase, which will bring nurses and midwives in line with, or even above the national average, comprises average pay increases between 14-15% over three years, including a 3.5% pay rise beginning in December this year, and a $1,000 cost-of-living payment.

Over 80% of ANMF (Tasmanian Branch) members voted to accept the new Nurses and Midwives Public Sector Agreement offer. As well as the significant wage increases, the agreement also includes commitments to further improve working conditions for nurses and midwives, such as plans for a new ratio staffing model, addressing multidisciplinary allowance inconsistencies and collaborating with the Department to create a safer healthcare environment.

Branch Secretary Emily Shepherd said the landmark agreement recognised the hard work and dedication of the state’s nurses and midwives and will play a crucial role in boosting recruitment and retention efforts across the professions.

“This offer is the recognition that hardworking Tasmanian nurses and midwives deserve – to be paid in line with their interstate counterparts and, at long last, to be competitive with other states and territories when it comes to recruitment and retention,” Ms Shepherd said.

The ANMF says it is now working quickly to ensure a swift drafting and registration process for the agreement so that cost-of-living payments can begin flowing to members before December.

It will use the agreement as a foundation to enhance the nursing and midwifery workforce and the healthcare environment in Tasmania, paving the way for a brighter future for the professions, with a strong focus on retention, recruitment, and safety.

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