The advantages of double degrees in nursing and midwifery

Many university students choose double degrees in nursing and midwifery to broaden their skills, knowledge and versatility, and the increased career opportunities it can offer. Michael Larin, a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) who works in the recovery unit at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, completed a Bachelor of Nursing and Midwifery at Monash University […]

10 things I learned on clinical placement

Clinical placements provide nursing and midwifery students with the opportunity to transfer theory into practice and build critical hands-on skills. The journey from classroom to workplace challenges knowledge and provides the real-world experience required to prepare the next generation of nurses and midwives for their future careers. Melissa Rogers is a Bachelor of Nursing (Graduate […]

Transitioning to the Australian nursing workforce: Perceptions and experiences of international nursing students and new graduates

Researchers from the University of South Australia want to hear from international nursing students about the experiences of their final-year transition from undergraduate study at Australian universities to the Australian nursing workforce. The primary objective of this research is to gain a clear and detailed understanding from international nursing students about the transition from the […]

Person-centred nursing education during isolation

Person-centred nursing education, and curricula, value the voice of all involved – academics, students, industry, clinical facilitators, people receiving care. Only by embedding person-centred practice, values and frameworks at the heart of the learning environment can workplace culture be transformed, as nursing students are prepared to build an innovative quality nursing workforce of the future. […]