Tai Chi: self-empowerment to health and wellness
Tai chi is ‘movement meditation’ says RN and Master Trainer of the Paul Lam Tai Chi for Health Institute Anastasia Yianni. “Tai chi is meditation in motion. It is very much to do with the integration of your mind and body; it’s mindfulness.” Also a mental health nurse, nurse educator, fitness instructor and personal trainer, […]
Nurses needed for Guided Imagery and Music sessions
A Victorian nurse is looking for nurses to participate in low cost Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) sessions in south east Melbourne. Mental Health Nurse, Ann Maree Billings, is an RN and qualified Integrative Psychotherapist working in mental health and counselling. Ann Maree is offering low cost Guided Imagery and Music sessions to nurses and […]
Impact of nurses’ risky drinking behaviours
Nursing and midwifery work can be physically, mentally, and emotionally stressful (Dyrbye et al. 2017). Like many people working in stressful roles, members of this workforce use many strategies to manage the pressures of their professions – both healthy, such as exercise and family activities, and potentially damaging, such as drinking, smoking, and displacement (Happell […]
Just breathe
When four call bells are ringing, IV antibiotics need to be administered stat while another patient urgently needs their catheter emptied – it can all get too much. Stress levels rise causing you to get flustered, which does nothing to help manage your patient load. So what can you do instantly to take control? Simply Breath! According to […]
Psychological hazards
Work contributes to positive mental health and wellbeing. It provides structure, purpose, a sense of identity and self-worth. But what happens when the work is having an adverse effect on personal health and wellbeing? What strategies can be employed to stave off psychosocial stressors of the job? “I think one of the biggest risks is […]
Connecting to why you became a nurse
What is the reason you became a nurse? Was it to care for people? Help people to achieve a better level of health? With the increasing demands and responsibilities of the job, it can be easy to lose sight of that initial goal. For some nursing was the career path they knew they wanted to […]
Not enough time
The feeling of ‘not enough time’ to achieve what is needed in a day can overwhelm the best of us. The stress of which not only affects the time poor nurse or midwife, but their colleagues and patients as well. When it becomes too hard, and too much how do we minimise the effects of […]
Reconnecting to why you became a nurse
What is the reason you became a nurse? Was it to care for people? Help people to achieve a better level of health? With the increasing demands and responsibilities of the job, it can be easy to lose sight of that initial goal. For some nursing was the career path they knew they wanted to […]
Not enough time
The feeling of ‘not enough time’ to achieve what is needed in a day can overwhelm the best of us. The stress of which not only affects the time poor nurse or midwife, but their colleagues and patients as well. When it becomes too hard, and too much how do we minimise the effects of […]
Finding relief through yoga
It’s no secret that being a nurse or a midwife can be stressful. Finding a healthy way to manage and relieve stress before it takes a negative toll on your body is crucial. Anesthetics nurse Jana Hnatova, believes yoga and meditation are great ways to relieve workplace stress. Since taking up yoga over a year […]