Meal timing crucial for night shift worker health

Overnight eating may be putting night shift workers at higher risk of chronic health conditions. South Australian researchers found blood glucose levels skyrocketed in study participants who either snacked or ate full meals at night putting their health at increased risk. Led by researchers from the University of South Australia, University of Adelaide and SAHMRI, […]
Shift workers at risk of higher blood pressure, study finds

Shift workers may be at increased risk of higher blood pressure as a result of irregular sleep patterns and changes to sleep duration. Flinders University research has found the chances of higher blood pressure increases exponentially with every hour of sleep lost or change to regular night time routine. The study, published in American Heart […]
A dietitian’s 5 ways to eat healthier on night shift for nurses and midwives

A dietitian’s 5 ways to eat healthier on night shift for nurses and midwives
To nap or not to nap on night shift?

To nap or not to nap on night shift – does it reduce fatigue? That is the question nurses at the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) in Melbourne asked in trialling the effects of scheduled sleeping during night shift. Staff from the RCH’s Medical Short Stay Unit presented their findings at the Australian College of Nursing’s […]
Car crash risk higher after first rostered night shift

Shift workers are more likely to crash their car after finishing their first night shift of the week, Australian research shows. The CQ University study also found the likelihood of a shift worker crashing on the way home from night shift on the first night was eight times greater than the likelihood of crashing on […]
Female shift workers higher risk of poor mental health

Shift workers are at higher risk for poor mental health, particularly symptoms of depression, new research shows. Women were especially affected, with a 70% higher risk of depression among shift workers, compared to women who worked day shifts, according to the study published in the American Journal of Public Health. Researchers reviewed seven longitudinal studies […]
A simple snack best on night shift

A simple snack such as a muesli bar is the best choice for maximising alertness and productivity while working a night shift, according to new research from University of South Australia. The study set out to investigate whether altering food intake during a night shift could optimise how shift workers feel during the night and […]
5 foods to eat on night shift and why

Clinical nutritionist and founder of The Healthy Shift Worker website and podcast, Audra Starkey, focuses her attention on improving the sleep and diets of shift workers such as nurses. Ms Starkey spent two decades working for Qantas in the aviation industry before returning to university to study ways in which to help shift workers working […]
5 ways to re-energise on a night shift

For many nurses and midwives working night shifts, it can be challenging to keep energy levels up and remain mentally alert. Here are five ways to re-energise and combat night shift fatigue. Stay hydrated It’s hard to focus when you are dehydrated. Water has energising properties and staying hydrated can help you function optimally while […]
Snacks better than large meal during nightshifts

Shift workers including nurses and midwives who eat a small snack during a nightshift perform better than those who opt for a large meal, new research has revealed. Investigating the impact of eating during the night on work performance, the study found having a small snack such as an apple or muesli bar helps shift […]