How disposable PPE is being recycled to make stronger concrete

A new generation of nurses, midwives and carers have never practiced without wearing disposable PPE since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, research at RMIT is paving the way to reduce PPE waste, including gowns, face masks and rubber gloves, from landfill or incineration by using it to improve the strength and durability of […]
Cultural safety in Australian nursing and midwifery

Developed in the 1980s by Maori nurse and anthropologist Irihapeti Ramsden in New Zealand Aotearoa, Cultural Safety has gradually become a key component in nurses’ and midwives’ education in Australian healthcare. Cultural Safety is a reflective process where you analyse your own cultural biases and attitudes. From this position, you are open when engaging with […]
A culturally appropriate safe sleeping tool could reduce SIDS for First Nations’ families

A program focused on delivering safe-sleeping practices for infants in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities could reduce the incidents of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) or sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI). The Pepi Pod program, studied in collaboration with Charles Sturt University, Flinders University, SA Health, The Aboriginal Health Council of SA, and […]
Home injuries increased during first wave of COVID-19

The number of in-home injuries increased during the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, a report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has found. The report, Injury in Australia 2019-20, revealed there were more than 3,300 injuries that occurred at home between March and May than the preceding equivalent 2018-19 period, […]
Sexual orientation and gender identity – the question no one asks

Supporting equitable health outcomes in gender and sexually diverse people; how can we know if we don’t ask? Gender and sexually diverse (GSD) people, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual/agender, and other groups (LGBTQIA+) experience barriers accessing equitable healthcare. This population also faces unique risks and health issues due to social determinants of […]
Competencies research to form the basis of Aged Care Transition to Practice Program

Competencies research to form the basis of Aged Care Transition to Practice Program
Older nurses and midwives battle fatigue, physical changes and lack of respect in the workplace, study finds

Older nurses and midwives battle fatigue, physical changes and lack of respect in the workplace, study
Professor Caroline Homer appointed Chair of the Council of the NHMRC

Professor Caroline Homer appointed Chair of the Council of the NHMRC
Nurses globally unite to share best practice at the ICN Biennial Congress

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) Biennial Congress three day event held this week attracted more than 5,500 nurses from 132 countries where nurses and nurse academics shared their experiences and presented their research with the intention of disseminating best practice around the world. The ANMJ along with the UK’s Nursing Times and the US’ […]
Burden of disease experiences by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people improves

The rate of healthy years of life lost due to living with illness or injury and premature death for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is on the decline, according to a new report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). The report, Australian Burden of Disease Study 2018: key findings for Aboriginal […]