Understaffing tops concerns held by aged care residents

Only a quarter of aged care residents feel that their care needs are always met, while nearly half are most concerned about understaffing, a new report for the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety has found. The National Ageing Research Institute study, Inside The System: Aged Care Residents’ Perspectives, was published today ahead […]

Aged Care Royal Commission staffing recommendations don’t go far enough, says ANMF

The ANMF has welcomed six recommendations outlined in a special report released by the Royal Commission yesterday calling on the federal government to urgently support the aged care sector to manage COVID-19 but says the measures fail to address chronic understaffing and skills mix and do not go far enough to protect vulnerable older Australians […]

Royal Commission report uncovers lack of financial transparency over use of aged care funding

An independent report commissioned by the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety examining the financial state of Australia’s aged care sector has uncovered a lack of financial transparency when it comes to how providers spend government and user funds. The Royal Commission engaged international consulting firm BDO to undertake the report, which analysed […]