SA nurse and midwifery graduates set to benefit from new support initiative

SA nurse and midwifery graduates set to benefit from new support initiative

For the first time, South Australian graduate nurses and midwives will be able to work directly with a mentor as part of their Transition to Professional Practice Program (TPPP).

The state government is hiring 62 experienced nurses and midwives to guide up to 10 graduates and offer clinical support under a new ‘Working with Wisdom’ initiative.

Additionally, new Clinical Education Hubs will be established in the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network and across regional South Australia to further support nurses and midwives as part of the expanded program.

The initiative comes as the South Australian government is doubling the number of nurse and midwife graduate placements.

A recruitment program for graduate nurses and midwives will now offer 1,200 positions – instead of the usual intake of 600 each year

Of the extra 600 positions now available, more than a third (about 250 roles) will work in regional areas while the rest will be split across major metropolitan hospitals.

The increased graduate intake will ensure more graduates are able to work and stay in South Australia, with about 1,200 applicants to the program each year and more than 1,600 applicants for the 2023 intake as demand continues to grow.

The state government has also employed 266 extra full-time equivalent nurses and midwives between March and June this year.

SA Health Chief Nurse and Midwifery Officer Jenny Hurley said that TPPP involved targeted education, on-the-job training, and supported clinical experience as graduates take their first steps in their professional life.

“While our graduates always work as part of a team within our hospitals, this is the first time South Australia will implement a specific dedicated training, knowledge, and skill transfer model called ‘Working with Wisdom’.

This model will see senior nurses and midwives each work directly alongside graduates to fast track and further develop their critical thinking and clinical skills.

Both these initiatives are essential to attracting and retaining young and emerging clinical staff, helping to mitigate enduring workforce shortages.”

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