
The latest research and innovation in nursing, midwifery and healthcare from across the nation and worldwide

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Reducing emergency transfers from nursing homes

Four in 10 aged care residents malnourished

Four in 10 Australian aged care residents are malnourished, a new study has revealed, prompting calls for a national screening program to identify those at highest risk. The first large-scale study examining malnutrition in nursing

Reducing the noise in ICU

Western Australian research is aiming to decrease noise levels in intensive care units (ICUs) by implementing improvements in acoustic design. Up to 50% of patients in ICUs experience sleep disturbance due to noise which can

Experiencing hearing loss or tinnitus following acute COVID-19 infection? Researchers want to hear from you

Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) following acute COVID-19 infection is a poorly understood phenomenon, however, the existence of a link has been supported by research. While causes remain largely unknown, so too does the impact

New technology aims to enable needle-free insulin delivery

An international team, led by researchers from Australia, have developed a system using nanotechnology that could allow people with diabetes to take oral insulin in the future, offering a more effective and needle-free alternative. The

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