Nurse, midwife and student contributors needed to share health and wellbeing experiences

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Do you want to contribute to a service that supports and promotes the health and wellbeing of those who care for others: nurses and midwives?

Do you want to write regularly for us and/or become a health and wellbeing ambassador?

The new National Nurse and Midwife Health Service (NNMHS) is looking for contributors to share their health and wellbeing stories, insights, experiences and self-care tips.

The NNMHS is designed by nurses and midwives, led by nurses and midwives, for nurses and midwives to provide free, confidential and independent case-managed support for a range of sensitive health issues.

Funded by the federal government, the NNMHS will launch in early 2024 with a national telehealth response and hubs in states and territories around Australia.

NNMHS Director and registered nurse, Heather Pickard, said while nursing and midwifery are rewarding professions, they are also demanding and stressful with workers facing significant risks to psychosocial and physical health and wellbeing every day.

“The pandemic as well as pre-existing and ongoing factors have amplified the workplace burden on nurses, midwives, and students. Some of these have resulted in stress, burnout, bullying and harassment, alcohol and other drug misuse, and mental health issues.”

NNMHS Deputy Director, a registered nurse, Mark Aitken said the NNMHS offers care and support in a welcoming, compassionate and non‐judgmental environment ‐ providing a safe place to connect and heal – contributing to better health for nurses, midwives, and students.

“I think the key is that it’s a very individual experience for each nurse, midwife or student. I think that shared stories really support other people who might be going through a similar experience.”

“If you have a story or experience you’d like to share with us, we’d love to hear from you.”

If you are interested in contributing, or in becoming an NNMHS ambassador, contact Deputy Director Mark Aitken at or Communications at

The NNMHS will be an additional complimentary service and potential referral pathway from Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) and Nurse & Midwife Support, the national 24/7 support service that provides brief intervention, and counselling and referral pathways.

About the National Nurse and Midwife Health Service
The Commonwealth Government committed $25.2 million funding in the 2022-2023 Budget to establish and implement the NNMHS.
The NNMHS is committed to the health and wellbeing of Australia’s nurses and midwives through the provision of free, person centred, confidential and independent services.
Australian nurses, midwives and nursing/midwifery students will have access to advice, support, information, counselling and specialist referrals delivered by nurses and midwives for nurses and midwives.

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