NSW aged care nurses rallied outside Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s electorate office today demanding the federal government fund mandated staff ratios in the upcoming Federal Budget.
GetUp supporters, advocates and family members of residents joined the nurses to send a message that the community demands real solutions to the ongoing crisis in the aged care sector.
“This interim report from the Royal Commission was submitted to our Prime Minister 18 months ago and the final report in March. While we wait, 68% of our residents are at risk of malnutrition because of chronic understaffing. While we wait, some facilities do not employ a registered nurse 24/7,” said registered nurse and NSWNMA Councillor Jocelyn Hofman.
“What happens when a resident with an inoperable tumour is in excruciating pain and there is no nurse onsite to administer medicine to make them comfortable?

“We want to deliver the safest care for our older Australians, our mothers and fathers, who are at the end of their lives’ journey and should be treated with care and respect so they are pain-free, comfortable, have their dignity maintained and their wishes respected.
“Is it too much to ask of our Prime Minister to have mandated ratios and skills mix so we can deliver high quality care?”
“My mum went into aged care at 93. I’ve witnessed the impact of the Morrison government’s systematic defunding of aged care first-hand and their obvious disregard for vulnerable and elderly Australians,” said GetUp volunteer and aged care resident family member Cookie Lloyd
“The current model for delivering aged care is broken. My mum, and many others like her in aged care, are treated as commodities – fitted to a stereotype of playing bingo and eating pureed foods. My mum hates bingo and has forgotten the taste of a fresh tomato. Aged care must be about the dignity and welfare of those using it and not left to companies and organisations and their focus on profits.”
The rally comes on the back of a new ANMF national campaign launched last week which aims to ensure aged care is a priority in the upcoming 2021 Budget.
The campaign ‘It’s Not Too Much’, which includes the need for laws that mandate safe, staff ratios in every nursing home, 24/7 is asking its members and Australians to help influence the Morrison government implement these changes so as to stop the suffering and neglect of elderly nursing home residents.
To support the campaign donate a little of your time to spread the ANMF’s message.
Head to www.itsnottoomuch.com for more information.