
Inspiring and insightful interviews with nurses, midwives and carers

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Q&A: Australian College of Nurse Practitioners President Melanie Dunstan

Nurse Practitioner pens book detailing ‘honest insights’ into the life of a nurse

Rasa Kabaila never imagined that her everyday nursing stories from a decade in the job could one day form an entire book. That was until a friend planted the seed in her mind that her

Q&A: Wound Clinical Nurse Consultant Hayley Ryan on tackling a ‘hidden epidemic’

This year’s Wound Awareness Week (4-10 September) is ‘Let’s get wound care RIGHT! The RIGHT diagnosis and the RIGHT treatment at the RIGHT time’. It points to the fact that so many wounds can be

‘Once in a generation opportunity’: Meet Aboriginal nurse and Yes23 NT campaign coordinator, Georgia Corrie

‘Once in a generation opportunity’: Meet Aboriginal nurse and Yes23 NT campaign coordinator, Georgia Corrie

‘We need action’: ICN CEO Howard Catton confident 2023 Congress can help advance profession

‘We need action’: ICN CEO Howard Catton confident 2023 Congress can help advance profession

Want more? Read the latest issue of ANMJ



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