
Inspiring and insightful interviews with nurses, midwives and carers

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ICN President Dr Pamela Cipriano confident about nurses’ power to change the world

The value of the union workplace rep 

ANMF Tasmanian Branch member Monica Werner has been a member of the union since she started nursing in 1981. She talks with the ANMJ about the role of the workplace delegate and the value of

Deakin Professor recognised globally for shaping emergency nursing education

From the moment she stepped into the Royal Melbourne Hospital’s Emergency Department as a 19-year-old second-year student, Professor Julie Considine AO was captivated by the specialty of emergency nursing. “I loved the unpredictability,” she recalls.

NSW nurse makes badminton debut at Paris Olympics 

Registered nurse Tiffany Ho admits she is an underdog as she heads off to Paris to compete in the badminton singles at her first Olympic Games.  “For me, where I sit in the ranking, I’m

Still nursing at 83, Rosemary remains a staunch union member

Whenever registered nurse Rosemary Power gets the chance to share her wisdom with young nurses and midwives, her message is clear: join the union. “I’ve been a union person from day one,” she says proudly.

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