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Featured Story

Registered nurse prescribing – how is it working in other countries?

AI to help address aggression in the ED 

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been integrated into an immersive virtual reality enhanced computer simulation program to train frontline healthcare workers in de-escalating aggression in patients. Developed by researchers from Edith Cowan University (ECU), ‘Barry’ is

World Sepsis Day: Ask ‘Could it be sepsis?’

On a seemingly ordinary day in 2023, Laura Remy’s life took a dramatic turn. What started off as a mild cough and fever, quickly escalated into life-threatening sepsis. “I initially continued to work and dismissed

Proposed paid parental leave changes to worsen women’s financial security 

Proposed amendments by the Coalition to the government’s legislation on superannuation for Commonwealth Paid Parental Leave (PPL) have been slammed by unions, including the ANMF.  The Coalition’s proposals would see workers, mostly women, tap into

Independent expert midwife to lead Tasmanian maternity services investigation 

The Tasmanian Government has announced the appointment of an independent expert to lead the rapid independent investigation into maternity services at the Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH). Midwife, nurse and health consultant Amanda Singleton has extensive

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